Monday, December 6, 2010

New Custom Photo Tile Ornaments

And here they are, my new one-sided photo tile ornaments. I designed these as a time saver for myself so that I could have a beautiful item to offer my customers in a lower price range. And believe it or not, it's the largest tile I make. These ornaments are simple and yet very classy. They make a fantastic gift, but if you're feeling generous, they make fantastic gift tag as well. Especially since I will add text to your image at no additional cost. These are 3" X 3" tiles with your images baked in clay and then sanded and sealed to a glossy finish. And they are available with great quantity discounts. I was fortunate enough to have some of them photographed by Michaela. I just love them!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Forest at St Peters Providence Hospital in Olympia, WA.

I am completely thrilled that the Welcome Baby tree that Michaela, Fancy & myself decorated for the hospital raised them so much money. And even more so that it was donated to the Birthing Center at the Hospital. What a perfect location for it to spend the Holidays. It was beautifully decorated with everything a newborn could need (in white, baby blue & pastel pink), framed photos of newborns taken by Michaela (Michaela's Photography), and my new ornaments, and it was accompanied by an antique bassinette & gift certificates to both our businesses. Simply Beautiful!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Customer Feedback!

I believe that customer feedback is an essential part of doing business successfully. The following is my most recent feedback from Frisco, TX; you can read more here: Delaney Jewelry Customer Feedback

I just received the photo tile for my daughters bridal bouquet. It is just fabulous! I am thrilled with the way it came out and I know she will be too. It is such quality and packaged beautifully.
Thank you so are so talented. It is something that we will cherish and such a lovely way to have them with us on this very special day.
I will let you know her response...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Free Crystal Snowmen Earrings with every order in November!

*NOVEMBER SPECIAL ~ Every photo tile order in November will receive one pair of these sparkly crystal snowmen earrings as a FREE GIFT! They will arrive with your order in their own little gift bag. They are all handmade by me. It's my Holiday 'Thank You' gift to you. Just mention this post in your email containing your images. Cheers!

Enter to win.........Simply blog, post or tweet about November's free Crystal Snowmen Earring gift and you will be entered in a drawing to win 2 $10 Starbucks gift cards. But don't forget to leave a comment on my facebook page to let me know that you've spread the word so that I can enter you in the drawing.

You can read more here:

Sentimental on a whole new level!

This order was the first of it's kind and I couldn't wait to make it. I got HUGE goosebumps just reading the order request. It is obviously loved by all who view it because I continue to get orders with a personal spin on them making each and every one of them so sentimental. In fact, I have one coming in with a portion of a love letter that dates back many, many years. Stay tuned for those images.....

Photo Tile Jewelry by

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hope your holiday was fantastic.

Woo hoo, that surprising change in the weather lead to a spectacular Memorial Day! After waking up to wet decks and overcast skies I knew more rain couldn’t be far off. Even though the real diehard North Westerners headed out to the coast or a camp ground a couple of days ago, for us, it meant that our big holiday plans to take the boat out to the Sound and play around in the islands was put on hold - again. We decided to tackle in-door projects and for me that meant I could work on my orders, and possibly just order pizza for dinner (my kids think that pizza is a treat). So, when my husband and oldest son headed for the garage to work on my son’s car, I smiled and got to work sanding my tiles (for me that is a treat). But those delicious sun breaks were calling me and I eventually talked myself into the very local task of weeding the pool area just in case the next passing clump of clouds was holding an unwanted shower. It wasn’t too long before I was in a tank top and shorts enjoying the fact that the sun was still shining on me and that the clouds seemed to be circling the perimeter of our property. My progress in the pea gravel was soon brought to a screeching halt by a few hornets and a mouse under a Rubber Maid container. I hung our volleyball net and of course had to hang a shorter Badminton net for my 3 yr old daughter to stop her complaining about the height of the first net. The six of us managed a Bratwurst B.B.Q., a few games of Badminton that had me laughing so hard - close to the point of peeing my pants, Smores over a fire in the pit, and a soak in the hot tub. All-in-all we salvaged another wet holiday. Hope yours was fantastic!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Father's Day Orders

I have been working on some of the cutest tiles. They are my favorite Father's Day orders to date.  Surprisingly, the amount of Father's Day orders is the closest it's ever been to the number of Mother's Day orders. There are only a couple days left to place orders with regular shipping.
Here are my favorites from last year.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Wire wrapped rings.

I am adding some sterling or copper wire wrapped rings to my sale section in my Etsy store today. Check them out! I call them confetti rings due to the fantastic variety of colors used in gemstones, pearls and Swarovski crystals.