Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hope your holiday was fantastic.

Woo hoo, that surprising change in the weather lead to a spectacular Memorial Day! After waking up to wet decks and overcast skies I knew more rain couldn’t be far off. Even though the real diehard North Westerners headed out to the coast or a camp ground a couple of days ago, for us, it meant that our big holiday plans to take the boat out to the Sound and play around in the islands was put on hold - again. We decided to tackle in-door projects and for me that meant I could work on my orders, and possibly just order pizza for dinner (my kids think that pizza is a treat). So, when my husband and oldest son headed for the garage to work on my son’s car, I smiled and got to work sanding my tiles (for me that is a treat). But those delicious sun breaks were calling me and I eventually talked myself into the very local task of weeding the pool area just in case the next passing clump of clouds was holding an unwanted shower. It wasn’t too long before I was in a tank top and shorts enjoying the fact that the sun was still shining on me and that the clouds seemed to be circling the perimeter of our property. My progress in the pea gravel was soon brought to a screeching halt by a few hornets and a mouse under a Rubber Maid container. I hung our volleyball net and of course had to hang a shorter Badminton net for my 3 yr old daughter to stop her complaining about the height of the first net. The six of us managed a Bratwurst B.B.Q., a few games of Badminton that had me laughing so hard - close to the point of peeing my pants, Smores over a fire in the pit, and a soak in the hot tub. All-in-all we salvaged another wet holiday. Hope yours was fantastic!