Sunday, April 24, 2011

My review of the concert.

The drive up wasn't bad at all. In fact, my sister and I made it to Seattle with enough time for a quick trip to Uwajimaya's, so we picked up a snack and some souvenirs & then headed over to the WAMU Theater. We loved the show. Everything was easy, from parking, to the fast moving entrance, and finding our seats. The people working the event were pleasant and helpful. I loved being able to take my glass of wine back to my seat and very much appreciated the fact that there was barely a wait to get the glass of wine (great selection by-the-way). Absolutely thrilled with Paul’s performance; however, it could have been longer. Truthfully, it was a little odd to see so many people sitting in their seats, when they should have been, and wanted to be, dancing. We quickly realized why everyone was sitting after being escorted back to our seats during our first attempt at dancing in an aisle. At the intermission we jumped out of our seats to beat any lines at the refreshment counter. On our way out I heard the clapping quiet some, when I realized Paul was coming back out for an encore. What? It was over? Yup! I was happy with the additional 3 songs, but it could have gone on for another hour at least. I love his new songs, but wanted to hear more of the older ones; that would have been the icing on the cake for us. It wasn’t until the encore that we were informed, by the staff, of the location against the wall where we could go dance; that is where we remained for the end of the show. Getting back to our car was easy enough; however, getting out of the parking garage took forever, but we barely noticed. It was a great time - felt my dad the whole evening. I would highly recommend Paul to anyone wanting to reminisce.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Feeling like a teenager again!

I haven't been to a concert in many years, and I am thrilled to be going to see Paul Simon in Seattle with my sister. We grew up singing and dancing to Simon & Garfunkle, among many other greats; we pretty much wore out their albums. Yes, I'm that old, they were albums! We will be thinking about our father (he passed away almost 9 years ago) the whole time; probably singing, dancing & crying, and it will be the best time ever.
The tickets are a wonderful birthday gift from our step-monster. I wish she was going with us. I am really looking forward to hearing Pauls new songs in person. I'm sure the concert won't be anything like the ones I went to when I was a teenager, but the excitement is the same.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Momma Margarita Night

Come help support the TC Saints Baseball Fundraiser Event ~ Momma Margarita Night! Enjoy some fantastic shopping, great sales, socializing, and Margarita's. Enter to win some great prises! I will be giving away a gift certificate for a FREE Photo Charm, a $39 value. I will also be having a 20% off sale for anyone wanting to order a custom photo tile. You will be able to pay at the show (cash or check) and email your images whenever you find the ones you want to use. Contact your photographer to have them email them directly to me at

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Sale ~ Today Only!

Todays Monday sale is for 20% off everything! With Mother's Day coming up, and so many new wedding items I couldn't decide which category to choose, so you get to decide. Just enter the code: LOVEKNOT at checkout to receive your discount!

If I would have had to choose just one it might have been this item since it involved a bride and a mother:

♥ ♥ My customer ordered two tiles, but this one in particular has a message from a card she found that her fiance's mother had written to him before she passed away. She was able to photograph it and email it to me with her other images. Unfortunately the whole message was a bit too much for 1 tile, but I managed to include the important parts for her. She gave it to her fiance the night before their wedding; she put it in the pocket of his suit. He's a lucky man.♥ ♥

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Simple settings for social gatherings.

I don't know if I am more excited about Delaney's pending cupcake social, or Decorating for Easter! Well actually, I should say shopping for Easter. There are so many great ideas out there, but this has to be one of my favorite settings.

And the reason is that there isn't a lot of 'stuff' to purchase to pull this off. As you can imagine, with 4 children, and a huge family, there is plenty to buy for Easter, so a beautiful table setting that can be arranged with items stashed around the house and look this inviting makes me smile. Of course I will have to get flowers, but how simple can this be? I actually have some pink bunting that I made for Delaney's 3rd birthday party, and now I have an excuse to reuse it. I'll dig out a photo for you soon.

Did you hear that? I think I just heard my cake plate whimper. I must admit that my highly requested rum cake would look fairly puny on a stand like the one in the picture above, but that has got to be awesome for a large gathering of people. I think I need it. But I don't dare double the recipe for the rum one will be able to drive home. I think I need a new cake recipe to go with that new pedestal cake plate. And the hunt is on. lol! So much for using stuff around the house.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My sister!

I realize that Sister's Day is still a little less than 4 months away, but I just have to say, "I love my sister"!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Monday Sale - Today Only!

I am going to have a special on a different item every Monday! Today's Monday Sale Item is for the Bride and Groom. I am extending yesterday's Spring sale into today as my first official Monday Sale Item. Enjoy!
My #1 seller, the Bridal Bouquet Memorial Pendant is on SALE today for 15% off. Just enter the code: LOVEKNOT at checkout to receive your discount! And Congratulations on your engagement!