Day 1: It's a beautiful winter wonderland more enjoyable than I could have imagined. Mother nature made up for not providing us with a white Christmas. No school for the kids; they get to build a snowman. Life is good.
Delaney is all bundled up to go play in the new snow. Two stocking caps and she still has hair sticking out. I love this photo.
Day 2: More snow...we now have over 16" and it's absolutely gorgeous. The chickens don't love it, but the dogs do; they are leaping and diving in it. The kids are having loads of fun creating amazing tunnels in it, and the snowman is now humongous.
Keegan is measuring the snow on my Sequoia which is shielded by our garage.
It's fun right up to the point where it freezes and the trees and branches start to giveaway to the wind and the weight of the snow and ice. We are surrounded by woods here, and it sounds like a distant fireworks show with constant crackling as they fall to the ground. Somewhere in here Delaney gets sick and works up a fever of 102 degrees. She coughs all night, so we try sleeping on the couch in an upright position.
Day 3: It's freezing! I'm exhausted. The chainsaw's are finally working to clear the downed trees from the driveway and road. My husbands truck slid off our
'incline to heaven' driveway 3 times trying to get out. An hour and a half later, with help from our oldest son, Payton, some shovels, some chain, and our neighbor's truck, he made it out of our cul-de-sac. But not a single gas station nearby has power to sell us gas for our generator (which is almost out), or diesel for our tractor (which is empty). Along with everybody else, the post office closed. Still no power, internet, or cell phones. A network extender is needed to pick up cell reception out here, but without power, there is no option for cell phones. It's estimated a few more days before power is restored.
Day 4: It's raining like crazy. But it's still frozen out and the trees are still dropping under the weight of the snow and ice. They are extremely dangerous. The tractor now has a flat tire, but my amazing husband got the driveway clear enough for me to get to the laundromat and grocery store before it happened. I took my laptop hoping to find WI-FI so that I could catch up on some e-mails. By now the hotels are booked solid, but those of us who've stayed home have adjusted. Our teapot is going constantly for hot chocolate, or tea, and I'm boiling pots of water for dishes and baths.
Day 5: It's still freezing. Delaney is still sick. I'm still exhausted, and heading back to the laundromat. I pick up Mexican food for dinner, and as soon as I pull into the neighborhood I detect power. Glorious Power! We had one heck of an adventure, but I don't dare relax because I hear a storm is headed our way.