Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Beautiful Glass Bunting

I am going to make this glass garland someday, I swear! How can you not love it? It's going to take a birthday party, I can tell, but it's going to happen. Of course I don't make stained glass so I will have to improvise.
I searched for 10 minutes for stained glass pieces with no luck, so this may take some serious reseach, but if comes down to me searching vintage shops for misc. finds, it will never happen. I think I will have to place a custom order somewhere.

I did find these lights that I think will make a nice addition to the bunting. I will wrap them aroud the ribbon a little so they don't hang quite so long.

I think I am going for shades of pink on this one so that I can hang it in Delaney's bedroom when I'm done, but her birthday is in tha Fall, so I am torn between pink and autumn colors. Stay tuned.....

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