Friday, March 25, 2011

Cupcake Social

I knew the moment I saw this idea that I had to make them. They look like delicious fun don't they? And then I thought to myself, "Thank goodness I have a little girl who will enjoy them and make the perfect cover as to why I NEED to make a lot of them"! But I also knew I would never get further than that! It all stops at the idea for me. I manage to share the idea with friends and comment on how cute things are, and then they are gone, as fast as the Girl Scout cookies that nobody ever eats!

A few days later, I just happened upon some organic cake and frosting mixes in the grocery store and when I saw them in my cart, I knew it was meant to be. I would never have time to make them from scratch, but......was I actually going to pull it off with mixes? And the next thing I knew, I was at a totally different shopping store and I was picking out sprinkles and toppings, like - this could really be happening for me. I can't wait!
These images are so inspiring! Just imagine these in cones. I will invite Delaney's dance class and then I will be committed. I am so excited! I will get to work on finding the perfect invitations shortly. I spied this lovely shop the other day, by Mama Tita. I will have to see what she can do for a little girls cupcake party. Super cute! This could potentially be where everything fades away for me. But I need to do it because I will probably have nothing but grandson's. Stay tuned!

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