Monday, September 26, 2011

Thankful to be working from home.

“Home, I learned, can be anywhere you make it. Home is also the place to which you come back again and again.” -- Margaret Mead, Blackberry Winter: My Earlier Years

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dancing Queen

I love watching the enthusiasm in this little girl when she dances. She was just accepted into UDF (Ultimate Dance Force), a competitive dance competition team. Woo Hoo

This photo is from the day of her recital. She did a Dr. Seuss routine and a Hip Hop version of the hokey Pokey. They were great!
This was a Christmas Performance.

Anyone Flicker?

You can now find my work here:

Never enough time!

Today, as I sat at my computer, my 4 yr old daughter loudly stated from her play room (she's setting up a store with items to sell me, so that I'll have to visit/play with her), "I have a clock". I think to myself, you can't tell time...what are you going to use it for, bookends? She says, "What?". Okay, so I meant to think it, but I actually said it out loud! So I replied, "What is the clock for?". To which she said, "It's in case anyone runs out of time".

How can a mother whose days are far too short to accomplish what's necessary not love this mind! I simply need more clocks in my house and life will be so much easier!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My thoughts on Wedding Memorials

Memorials and tributes are becoming an increasingly popular trend during wedding ceremonies. A memorial, an object which serves as a focus for memory of someone who has died, can come in many forms. Whether it's in a large fashion for every participant to share in, or something small, that maybe only the bride and groom are aware of, the range of options is large. A wedding is so much more than just the union of two people, it's about family, and it's a completely appropriate time to remember the lives of loved ones who have passed on. How they are remembered is ultimately up to the bride and groom. Some couples will choose to have a memorial table with a framed photograph present, or they may light a special candle. Some will choose to place flowers on the seats that their loved ones would have sat in, or have a poem read, while others may have their officiate ask for a moment of silence in memory of the loved ones not present.

For brides who are concerned about creating a large depressing pause during such a happy time; a popular trend is the bouquet memorial charm. They are a great way to help take any sadness away from her big moment, since conversations about the memorial charms are likely to happen after the ceremony. Unless she shows off the charms prior to the ceremony, no one will be able to see them until she is walking down the aisle. If the person who has passed on was a family member of someone in the wedding party other than the bride, there are memorial charm pins designed specifically for them, such as a brooch charm pin for women, or a boutonniere charm pin for men.

For quality, custom photo memorial charms visit me on Etsy. You will find a variety of Bridal Memorial Charms that you can personalize with your favorite photos and heartfelt sentiments. It's a special way for brides keep their loved ones near their heart on such a special day.

Side note about me:
Prior to getting married, my husband and I lost our fathers to cancer within a year of each other. We've had to support each other through unbelievable heartache and loss. My husband and I were married the following year. As it turned out, we were married on Father's Day & my grandfather walked me down the aisle. All of this happened before I ever even dreamed of creating my photo tiles, but my experiences have brought me to a place of deep understanding for brides who wish to honor/remember their family members on their wedding day. I can tell you that every memorial charm I make helps in my own healing process, and my heart goes into every order.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Just had to share the Top 3 Credit Myths for Married Couples.

When you vow to take your spouse in sickness and in health, are you saying “I Do” to their bad credit, too?

Couples don’t typically discuss credit health before walking down the aisle, but they should. Knowing the truth can prevent credit damage and (ultimately) help you save thousands on loans.

Here are the facts behind three common myths:

Myth 1: When we marry, our credit histories merge.
There is no joint credit report or credit score. Your credit reports and scores remain separate, even after you change your last name.

Myth 2: I’ll be affected by his bad credit, or vice versa.
Marriage, in itself, can’t impact your credit. But, if you co-sign for your spouse, or if you open a joint account like a mortgage, credit card, or loan, it shows up on both your credit reports. His bad credit may impact your chance for approval and lower interest rates (and vice versa). More important, bad credit could signal harmful habits. Also, if your mate maxes out or defaults on a joint account, it can damage both of your credit scores and you’d both held responsible for any debts incurred.

Myth 3: When we marry, we’ll share all accounts.
Getting married doesn’t automatically merge any of your financial accounts; that decision is up to you and your spouse. But be smart and discuss each other’s credit history and financial position before tying the knot. Knowing the truth helps prepare you both to tackle any future financial strain.

Monday, May 23, 2011

New Name Giveaway

I need to come up with a DBA (Doing Business As) name for my Bridal Bouquet Memorial Charms. I need your suggestions.....and I am willing to design for it. I am going to giveaway a FREE Large Memorial Photo Pendant to the person who comes up with the winning name.

Rule #1 - The name has to have the word 'Delaney' in the title.
Rule #2 - The name can't have the word 'Jewelry' in the title.
3 ways to enter:
You can enter by posting your suggestion here, on my facebook page:, or by emailing it to me at
I will make my decision by June 15th and post the winner here on the 16th. You may enter as many times as you like. Have your images ready because if you are the winner, and you have your image crop approval to me by the 18th, I will ship the winners free photo pendant by July 1st.

2 ways to win:
If the winning name comes from someone you told about this contest, you will receive 25% off of a Bridal Bouquet Memorial Photo Pendant, so spread the word! And may the best Bride win!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Check out this stunning treasury!

I am so pleased to be featured in this very intriguing wedding treasury by my fellow Offbeat Wedding teammate. Check it out!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Our Hobby To Your Home & Wedding Giveaway for all you brides-to-be!

I love Our Hobby to Your Home & Wedding and just noticed that they are part of an Off Beat Weddings Etsy Team giveaway. Be sure to take a look at her beautiful signs while entering the contest.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Want to be a Winner?

Forty Toes Photography is holding another drawing. This time it is for my oval charm. Instructions for how to enter listed on Forty Toes Facebook page. Looks like she will have a lot of giveaways this week with all the winners being posted on her blog. Go check it out and say, "HI". I hope you win something!

Congratulations to the Auction WInners!

Congratulations to Heather Conrad and Sabrina Ortengren for their winning bids on my photo charms that were donated to the Forty Toes Photogrpahy fundraiser.
I can't wait to make their charms. I received lovely images!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Donation for Tornado Victims.

I have wanted to do something in addition to making a cash donation to help the tornado victims in Alabama, but I wasn't sure what to do. Bringing more awareness to anyone capable of helping seems to be the next best thing. I found out that a photographer who I love is holding an auction to raise money to donate to those in need. I couldn't wait to get involved and spread the word. I am donating a custom photo charm and you can bid on it here: Forty Toes Photography.
Auction ends Friday Night May 6th and 100% of all the money raised will be donated to help those in need in Alabama from the tornados.
If you want to get involved just email Jennifer, the photographer behind Forty Toes Photography, for details.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

My review of the concert.

The drive up wasn't bad at all. In fact, my sister and I made it to Seattle with enough time for a quick trip to Uwajimaya's, so we picked up a snack and some souvenirs & then headed over to the WAMU Theater. We loved the show. Everything was easy, from parking, to the fast moving entrance, and finding our seats. The people working the event were pleasant and helpful. I loved being able to take my glass of wine back to my seat and very much appreciated the fact that there was barely a wait to get the glass of wine (great selection by-the-way). Absolutely thrilled with Paul’s performance; however, it could have been longer. Truthfully, it was a little odd to see so many people sitting in their seats, when they should have been, and wanted to be, dancing. We quickly realized why everyone was sitting after being escorted back to our seats during our first attempt at dancing in an aisle. At the intermission we jumped out of our seats to beat any lines at the refreshment counter. On our way out I heard the clapping quiet some, when I realized Paul was coming back out for an encore. What? It was over? Yup! I was happy with the additional 3 songs, but it could have gone on for another hour at least. I love his new songs, but wanted to hear more of the older ones; that would have been the icing on the cake for us. It wasn’t until the encore that we were informed, by the staff, of the location against the wall where we could go dance; that is where we remained for the end of the show. Getting back to our car was easy enough; however, getting out of the parking garage took forever, but we barely noticed. It was a great time - felt my dad the whole evening. I would highly recommend Paul to anyone wanting to reminisce.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Feeling like a teenager again!

I haven't been to a concert in many years, and I am thrilled to be going to see Paul Simon in Seattle with my sister. We grew up singing and dancing to Simon & Garfunkle, among many other greats; we pretty much wore out their albums. Yes, I'm that old, they were albums! We will be thinking about our father (he passed away almost 9 years ago) the whole time; probably singing, dancing & crying, and it will be the best time ever.
The tickets are a wonderful birthday gift from our step-monster. I wish she was going with us. I am really looking forward to hearing Pauls new songs in person. I'm sure the concert won't be anything like the ones I went to when I was a teenager, but the excitement is the same.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Momma Margarita Night

Come help support the TC Saints Baseball Fundraiser Event ~ Momma Margarita Night! Enjoy some fantastic shopping, great sales, socializing, and Margarita's. Enter to win some great prises! I will be giving away a gift certificate for a FREE Photo Charm, a $39 value. I will also be having a 20% off sale for anyone wanting to order a custom photo tile. You will be able to pay at the show (cash or check) and email your images whenever you find the ones you want to use. Contact your photographer to have them email them directly to me at

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Sale ~ Today Only!

Todays Monday sale is for 20% off everything! With Mother's Day coming up, and so many new wedding items I couldn't decide which category to choose, so you get to decide. Just enter the code: LOVEKNOT at checkout to receive your discount!

If I would have had to choose just one it might have been this item since it involved a bride and a mother:

♥ ♥ My customer ordered two tiles, but this one in particular has a message from a card she found that her fiance's mother had written to him before she passed away. She was able to photograph it and email it to me with her other images. Unfortunately the whole message was a bit too much for 1 tile, but I managed to include the important parts for her. She gave it to her fiance the night before their wedding; she put it in the pocket of his suit. He's a lucky man.♥ ♥

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Simple settings for social gatherings.

I don't know if I am more excited about Delaney's pending cupcake social, or Decorating for Easter! Well actually, I should say shopping for Easter. There are so many great ideas out there, but this has to be one of my favorite settings.

And the reason is that there isn't a lot of 'stuff' to purchase to pull this off. As you can imagine, with 4 children, and a huge family, there is plenty to buy for Easter, so a beautiful table setting that can be arranged with items stashed around the house and look this inviting makes me smile. Of course I will have to get flowers, but how simple can this be? I actually have some pink bunting that I made for Delaney's 3rd birthday party, and now I have an excuse to reuse it. I'll dig out a photo for you soon.

Did you hear that? I think I just heard my cake plate whimper. I must admit that my highly requested rum cake would look fairly puny on a stand like the one in the picture above, but that has got to be awesome for a large gathering of people. I think I need it. But I don't dare double the recipe for the rum one will be able to drive home. I think I need a new cake recipe to go with that new pedestal cake plate. And the hunt is on. lol! So much for using stuff around the house.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My sister!

I realize that Sister's Day is still a little less than 4 months away, but I just have to say, "I love my sister"!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Monday Sale - Today Only!

I am going to have a special on a different item every Monday! Today's Monday Sale Item is for the Bride and Groom. I am extending yesterday's Spring sale into today as my first official Monday Sale Item. Enjoy!
My #1 seller, the Bridal Bouquet Memorial Pendant is on SALE today for 15% off. Just enter the code: LOVEKNOT at checkout to receive your discount! And Congratulations on your engagement!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A fun way to support Artist's supporting Japan during hard times.

Stop by and cast your vote.

Accountability Group?

I recently joined an Accountability Group, and yesterday we had our first meeting so there was a lot to cover. I am very excited about this forward momentum and I love the ladies in the group. The group coordinator brought a long list of topics that were all spot on. I think every one of us brings a lot to the table, so to speak, and we all have common goals, so I am expecting big things to come from this group! And since Starbucks has free WI-FI there was no better place to meet!

Of course we did not go to Japan, which is where this Starbucks is located! Can you believe it? Double-deckers!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Beautiful Glass Bunting

I am going to make this glass garland someday, I swear! How can you not love it? It's going to take a birthday party, I can tell, but it's going to happen. Of course I don't make stained glass so I will have to improvise.
I searched for 10 minutes for stained glass pieces with no luck, so this may take some serious reseach, but if comes down to me searching vintage shops for misc. finds, it will never happen. I think I will have to place a custom order somewhere.

I did find these lights that I think will make a nice addition to the bunting. I will wrap them aroud the ribbon a little so they don't hang quite so long.

I think I am going for shades of pink on this one so that I can hang it in Delaney's bedroom when I'm done, but her birthday is in tha Fall, so I am torn between pink and autumn colors. Stay tuned.....

Monday, March 28, 2011

6 Year Old BFF's

I loved making this charm necklace order so much. It is a custom order that was designed as a smaller version of my Classic Pendant and it's for a little girl to give her BFF as a communion gift. They are so cute!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Invitations have been decided on!

You want to meet someone who works fast, check out the shop I mentioned in the previous post. Here is the listing she came up with for the Cupcake social : My only concern is the shipping time, 2-5 weeks. But that has to be expected coming from Russia. I think I will order them without a date and hope they ship in 2 weeks. They are beautiful!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Cupcake Social

I knew the moment I saw this idea that I had to make them. They look like delicious fun don't they? And then I thought to myself, "Thank goodness I have a little girl who will enjoy them and make the perfect cover as to why I NEED to make a lot of them"! But I also knew I would never get further than that! It all stops at the idea for me. I manage to share the idea with friends and comment on how cute things are, and then they are gone, as fast as the Girl Scout cookies that nobody ever eats!

A few days later, I just happened upon some organic cake and frosting mixes in the grocery store and when I saw them in my cart, I knew it was meant to be. I would never have time to make them from scratch, but......was I actually going to pull it off with mixes? And the next thing I knew, I was at a totally different shopping store and I was picking out sprinkles and toppings, like - this could really be happening for me. I can't wait!
These images are so inspiring! Just imagine these in cones. I will invite Delaney's dance class and then I will be committed. I am so excited! I will get to work on finding the perfect invitations shortly. I spied this lovely shop the other day, by Mama Tita. I will have to see what she can do for a little girls cupcake party. Super cute! This could potentially be where everything fades away for me. But I need to do it because I will probably have nothing but grandson's. Stay tuned!